Issue 37
August 2021
Welcome to Issue #37 of Accelerating News!
This rather full summer issue of the newsletter brings you the latest developments in superconductivity and magnets for the different projects ongoing at CERN, news from different particle accelerator facilities and European projects, reports from the events of the past months, and a feature on the transfer of technology from CERN to medical applications.
EASITrain and QUACO — two projects co-funded by the European Commission for the development of technologies aimed at the Future Circular Collider and High-Luminosity LHC, respectively — bring us new developments on superconducting materials. Internationally, the Uppsala University is upgrading its FREIA Laboratory to test superconducting magnets and crab cavities for the HL-LHC. Developments for wakefield accelerators and linacs also feature in this issue with two scientific updates on innovative techniques.
Other European projects’ updates are varied. They include the new ways of training early-career researchers established by AVA, the prospective EuPRAXIA plasma-based accelerator included in a strategic roadmap for Research Infrastructures, the I.FAST efforts in implementing additive manufacturing technologies within the project and its knowledge transfer efforts in the collaboration between laboratories and industry. Also on the topic of knowledge transfer, CLEAR demonstrates how very high-energy electron beams can be focused onto deep-seated cancerous tumours.
An interview with Lucio Rossi, former coordinator of the HL-LHC project, on a recent initiative from INFN highlights some of the ways the accelerator community collaborates.
In this issue, we also announce the CERN Accelerator School 2021 (25 September - 8 October 2021) and report on the ninth edition of MeVArc (8-12 March 2021), the Heavy Ion Therapy Masterclass School (17-21 May 2021) and the FCC Week 2021 (28 June - 2 July 2021), the latter of which includes a report on the Collider Diaries, focusing on the lives of five scientists.
Finally, some internal news: after two years as editor-in-chief of Accelerating News, I have moved on to a new position at CERN. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the newsletter’s editorial team and editorial board for their incredible support, and to all the projects’ teams who contribute to the newsletter with their groundbreaking developments. I could not have asked for a better way to learn about the activities of this very dynamic community. A new editor-in-chief will be announced in the next issue.
I hope you enjoy the next issue and wish you (for one final time) a happy reading!
Daniela Antonio, Editor-in-Chief