Laser-plasma technology, additive manufacturing, high-temperature superconductors and other innovations have strong potential to reduce the footprint of particle accelerators.
In December 2023, the Particle Physics Project Prioritization Panel made strong recommendations for the future muon collider, boosting the international muon collider collaboration.
Over the last decades, the learning path of an accelerator scientist has evolved. Two CERN group leaders tell us how CAS Courses are proving invaluable.
The FCC feasibility study, has reached a successful mid-term review on its path to completion in 2025. From electrons to protons, FCC-ee and FCC-hh join forces, offering unprecedented precision and energy reach.
Held in Paris, the penultimate annual meeting of the I.FAST project included lively discussions on cryogenics, additive manufacturing, and sustainability.
Imagine transforming leftover excavated materials from construction projects into fertile soil! OpenSkyLab will examine how best to reuse material from the construction of the proposed FCC for renaturation, agriculture, and forestry purposes.
A panel discussion explored how various cultures and societies perceive the relationship between science and religion, and the responsibilities of scientists and religious leaders in building trust in science among their respective communities.